Police Reform Insight Group

Your Path to Accreditation is Here


Police Reform Insight Group (PRIG) is a women and veteran owned small business. PRIG is committed to the Reimaging Policing Pledge to review and reform use of force policies and also providing professional Accreditation management and policy guidance to public and private law enforcement and security agencies. PRIG provides assistance to agencies in every phase of participation in the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission program and consulting advice with all aspects of policing, security and technology.


Law Enforcement Accreditation is a “Badge of Honor” in the Law Enforcement Profession. It is one of the Best Measures of a Police Department’s Compliance with Professional Standards. Being Certified or Accredited is symbolic of an agency’s commitment to professional excellence in the workplace. The benefits of Certification and Accreditation are many and will vary among participating agencies based on the state of the agency when it enters the process. In other words, the benefits will be more fully known when the agency quantifies the changes that were made to meet program standards. Generally, these changes involve policy writing, minor facility improvements, and in some cases, equipment purchases.

  • Provide a norm for an agency to judge its performance.
  • Provide a basis to correct deficiencies in an agency’s operations before they become public problems.
  • Require agencies to commit policies and procedures to writing.
  • Promote accountability among agency personnel and the evenhanded application of policies.
  • Provide a means of independent evaluation of agency operations.
  • Provide a quality assurance review of the agency.
  • Enhance the reputation of the agency and promote public confidence in it.
  • They are also effective risk management tools for preventing and reducing loss in professional liability claims.

National standards and best practices for the law enforcement profession provide the framework for the standards in the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Program. Topically, they address police management, administration, operations, and support services. Standards generally prescribe “what” agencies should be doing but not “how” they should be doing it. Those decisions are left up to each agency to make.

Standards address areas such as:

  • Agency Authority, Jurisdiction and Use of Force
  • Recruitment, Selection, and Promotion of Personnel
  • Training, Discipline, and Internal Affairs
  • Patrol, Traffic Operations and Criminal Investigations
  • Victim/Witness Assistance
  • Emergency Response Planning
  • Detainee Transportation and Holding Facilities
  • Records and Communications
  • Collection and Preservation of Evidence
  • Property and Evidence Control



Address 318 Bear Hill Rd. Suite 4A, Waltham, MA 02451

Email info@policereformig.com